Refund Policy

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The journal completes all tasks quickly and on time, but doing so comes at a cost. As a result, the journal is responsible for covering costs such as paying fellows and full-time reviewers. The nature of the service transaction prevents refunds for services that have already been rendered.

If the paper is not accepted for review, you will receive a full refund.

If the paper is rejected, you will receive a full refund.

If an author withdraws a paper from consideration or chooses not to modify and resubmit, there are no refunds or cancellations of debts. Once the paper is published, there are no refunds or debt cancellations.

If the paper is taken down because it is allegedly infringing on someone’s copyright, there are no refunds or debt cancellations. Authors are unable to edit articles after publish issues or indexing. If an author wishes to make modifications to an article after it has been published with an issue or index, additional fees will apply.

It will take 10 to 15 working days for the refund to be processed online.

If the appropriate author notifies us within 02 days of the date the money was deposited, any incorrectly deposited money or additional money will be repaid within 3 weeks.

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